How To Guides

3 Critical Steps to Prepare for a Power Grid Outage

Every day about half a million Americans experience a power grid outage for an hour or two. That’s a startling statistic when one considers that the US is one of the most developed nations in the world.

The reason behind this inconvenience is the aging US power grid, which is unable to keep up with modern electrical demands. Upgrading the entire grid is a mammoth task and it’s going to take some time.

So, until then, if you live in one of the areas that experience frequent outages, you should prepare yourself for the occasional blackout. Here’s what you need to do.

1. Stock up on Off-Grid Power Sources

Unless you have off-grid solar power installed, you’ll need alternative sources of light and heat during a power outage. Have a flashlight handy for every member of the family and make sure you have spare batteries.

A portable power bank’s useful for keeping electronics charged if you remember to charge it fully as soon as the power returns. 

Battery-powered camping lights work well in a power outage too and can provide welcome relief from stumbling around in the dark.

2. Keep a Supply of Non-Perishable Food

Keep your refrigerator and freezer shut during an outage. Every time you open the door, you’re allowing hot air inside.

This way, a refrigerator can keep your food cold for several hours, while a full freezer stays cold for up to two days. 

This can cause food spoilage. Rather, make sure you’ve always got enough non-perishable supplies to feed your family for a few meals. 

By safeguarding your refrigerator, you’ll save money on replacing spoiled items and reduce the risk of medication going bad in a hot refrigerator.

A generator or battery backup system can help you keep things going in a pinch too.  Remember, battery-powered power stations charge quickly when attached to an electrical grid, but they charge a lot slower on solar power alone.

3. Take Steps to Protect Your Family

If you make use of a fuel-powered generator or camp stove, be sure to use it outdoors, and keep it away from windows. 

These types of generators produce a large amount of carbon monoxide during operation. It’s a good idea to install carbon monoxide meters throughout your home to keep tabs on whether your family’s at risk or not. 

A portable power station with battery backup is a much safer option when it comes to generating power during an outage.

According to this Jackery 1000 Review, a 12V battery runs more efficiently than a higher-powered one. So, bear this in mind when shopping for this type of power source if you rely on the grid for some of your power needs. 

Spare the Power Grid

The ultimate solution is for all of us is to get off the power grid altogether and embrace the many benefits of clean energy. 

That way, concerns about a national power grid outage become a thing of the past, you’ll save money, you’ll take the pressure off the aging system, and you’ll do good for the planet.

If you’d like some more practical tips on how to negotiate life’s little obstacles, keep browsing our site.

Alina Quinn

I am Alina Quinn, a freelancer blogger who loves to write about health and Fitness and about latest fashion, currently I am working with FliptheLife, one of the fastest growing community created by fitness freaks, who love to write about health, fitness, beauty and the latest fashion news, etc...

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