Cause & Cure

5 Surprising Benefits of Massage Therapy

What comes to mind when you think of treating yourself to a massage?

Is it relaxation? Comfort? Indulgence? Pampering?

While these are all great benefits of massage therapy, if they are all that define your image of it, then you’re missing a big part. Massage techniques have been used for thousands of years to treat and prevent illnesses and ailments. From improving depression symptoms to boosting your immune system, some of the benefits of massage might surprise you. 

So, what can massage do for you? Read on for 5 surprising benefits of massage therapy!

5 surprising benefits of massage therapy

1. Alleviates Anxiety and Depression

While we define anxiety and depression as mental health issues, they are also quite strongly link to our bodies.

When we experience anxiety and depression, we typically have an imbalance of hormones. Stress hormones, such as cortisol and epinephrine, become too plentiful in our cells. The feel-good hormones like serotonin and dopamine tend to below.

Massage can stimulate the release of these feel-good hormones and help our body get back to a healthy hormonal equilibrium. 

2. Fights the Slouch

Whether or not you have a desk job, odds are that you spend a lot of time sitting down. Even among athletes and fitness professionals, posture problems are very common.

Soreness or kinks in the neck, shoulders, back, hips, or glutes can be a sign of unhealthy posture. This can come from prolonged periods sitting down or from natural imbalances in the body that build up over time.

One of massage therapy’s benefits is that it helps counteract these posture issues, whether they derive from sitting all day or not. It can increase blood flow to the muscles, helping them relax and improving their function.

3. Sciatica Treatment

Sciatica is a condition in which an injury or problem of the spine puts pressure on the sciatic nerve. This is the nerve that runs through the lower back, hip, and down the leg. When it is affected by sciatica, you’ll experience pain and discomfort in these parts of the body. 

The symptoms of sciatica often come and go. Types of massage therapy, however, can alleviate the pain and help heal the symptoms faster. If you want to learn more, get in touch with the therapists at The Spa and Lash Studio Clearfield (

4. Boosts Your Immune System

The primary mechanism by which massage therapy functions is the stimulation of the circulatory system. This means that activating the movement of blood and lymph through your body is how massage creates its effects.

One of the primary effects of lymphatic movement in the body is that “toxins” (metabolic waste and germs) are flushed out. The movement of blood then refreshes the body’s cells. These effects together can be a big boost to your immunity.

5. Reduces Headaches

Even if you’re not aware of your head and facial muscles being tight, many headaches are caused by this sort of muscle tension. This is called a tension headache, different from vascular headaches like migraines or sinus headaches.

Regardless of the cause, massage therapy can provide immediate and ongoing headache relief. If you experience headaches, discuss your symptoms with your massage therapist to get the right type of relief.

Benefits of Massage Therapy

While massage is great for relaxation and pleasure, it impacts your health in many ways. The benefits of massage therapy range from the mental to the physical and from the immediate to the long-term. Learn more from your local massage therapist.

For more information on health, massage, and illness prevention, check out the Cause & Cure section on FliptheLife!

Alina Quinn

I am Alina Quinn, a freelancer blogger who loves to write about health and Fitness and about latest fashion, currently I am working with FliptheLife, one of the fastest growing community created by fitness freaks, who love to write about health, fitness, beauty and the latest fashion news, etc...

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