
The Ultimate Valentine’s Day Care Package Checklist

Is there a loved one you can’t spend time with this Valentine’s Day, or would you simply love to send a gift your love will truly appreciate?

Giving gifts doesn’t always need to be an in-person event. In fact, the right Valentine’s Day care package can speak volumes to your loved one. They’ll know you’re thinking about their needs even when you can’t be with them.

Here are some of our favorite care package ideas.

Framed Photos

You’ll want to let your love know you’re thinking of them by personalizing your care package. This article can give you even more ideas.

Framed photos of the two of you together will remind them of all the happy memories you have together. Choose silly or sweet memories to share and place them in pink or red frames for a wonderful Valentine’s Day surprise.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, it may be particularly difficult for you to get together with loved ones who are older or in assisted living facilities. This is where photos can really send a personalized message that older folks will really cherish.


If you’re sending a care package to a kid in college or an adult in a long-term care facility, essential oils can be an excellent gift.

Essential oils such as lavender, peppermint, and lemon are known to help boost immunity. They can also help with stress relief, anxiety, and concentration.

While the right essential oils work just fine when dabbed on, you can also include a diffuser so the air can get filled with lovely scents while your loved one is relaxing or reading. You may also want to include a candle or soap scented with your favorite oil so your Valentine can enjoy the relaxing qualities of the aroma all day long.

Coffee Mug and Hot Chocolate or Tea

Winters can get long, especially when you’re separated from friends and family. A mug with hot chocolate can be a great way to invite your loved one to snuggle up in front of an old movie while thinking of you.

If your beloved isn’t into hot chocolate, consider sending a box of tea in a flavor they’d enjoy. While there are lots of boutique tea shops around these days, an inexpensive box from your local grocer will work just as well.

During a time when many are worried about disease, flavors like ginger can stimulate the immune system and deliver a healthy dose of anti-oxidants. It can also serve to relieve indigestion or constipation.

Chamomile tea can help with sleep problems and depression. Roobios tea can help with allergies. And lemon balm tea can help protect the body against heart disease and mental decline.

If you want to show your honey that you care about their well-being, the right steaming cup can be exactly what they need. You can get creative by finding a mug in their favorite color and add a bottle of honey or sugar so they won’t need to go anywhere.

Package of Soup

Those who are doing the one-room living thing often find that an electric kettle helps them to have a healthy breakfast or lunch without taking an unnecessary trip to the dining room.

Single packets of soup can be a welcome treat during the colder winter months. Soup is a great way to boost the immune system by getting healthy doses of fiber, iron, and potassium into the diet. It can also help keep folks healthy by filling them up without unwanted calories.

Personal Care

If you’ve got a loved one who’s on their own for the first time, remembering to purchase personal care items regularly can be a little tricky.

Personal items can get infused with a little festive touch, so your loved one knows you want to pamper them. For example, maybe you want to get them some shampoo or body lotion from a boutique store you know they can’t get to often. Or maybe you can purchase after-shave from their favorite specialty shop.

Think about the scents your sweetheart will enjoy this winter, including evergreen, peppermint, or vanilla. You’ll want your beloved to know you’re hoping they’ll be able to retreat into a toasty evening off.

Gift Cards

Gifts like cash can often get absorbed into bill-paying or tipping, and your loved one may not end up enjoying themselves with it at all.

With a gift card, however, you’re inviting your Valentine to enjoy a shopping excursion on you. Get them a card to their favorite online bookstore if they can’t get out much. If they enjoy an occasional trip to the mall, a card to their favorite clothing boutique or cooking shop means they’ll have to spend money on items that make them feel happy.


If you’re loved one is living with others in a dorm room, apartment building, or assisted living facility, a great pair of earphones or earbuds is essential. They help to block out noise while your loved one is studying, reading, or trying to relax before bed. Nowadays, they can also listen to their favorite books and podcasts without bothering anyone else.

Even if your loved one already has a decent pair of headphones, they could always use an extra pair. And remind them that they can always use them when calling home!

Now You Have the Perfect Valentine’s Day Care Package

Valentine’s Day can be a tricky time to be away from those you love. Yet the right Valentine’s Day Care Package can let your beloved know you’re thinking of them and warm their heart during the cold winter months.

Don’t stop getting great tips on family and wellness now. For more great advice, read the other posts on our blog today.

Alina Quinn

I am Alina Quinn, a freelancer blogger who loves to write about health and Fitness and about latest fashion, currently I am working with FliptheLife, one of the fastest growing community created by fitness freaks, who love to write about health, fitness, beauty and the latest fashion news, etc...

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