Secret Benefits of Using Fermented Rice Water Shampoo

Those who cannot survive without rice do know that it is not just delectable but healthy at the same time. For many countries, rice is upheld as a staple food that is eaten up to three times every day.
The truth is, rice has more to offer than just being a superfood, and it can offer many other benefits. The application of fermented rice water shampoo is one good example of another use of rice for the hair and skin.
It’s a proven fact that this natural shampoo brings softness and shine to hair. The truth is, some Asian women have already made the choice to switch to fermented rice water shampoos for years now.
As a result, a lot of Asian women enjoy their long and shiny hair. So, how much do you suppose it would cost you? The best thing about this shampoo is you could create it by yourself in your own home.
You’ve located the correct article to understand more about how to get it done.
Here’s what you will need:
You can try this quickly. It all lies in understanding the correct ingredients and accurate measurements.
- 1 cup organic rice (whichever kind of rice you have)
- 2 cups of warm water
- 1 chamomile tea (best for light hair)
- 1 cup shikakai tea (great for darker hair)
- 1/4 cup aloe vera juice (adds thickness to hair)
- Lavender oil (scent)
- 1 cup liquid castile soap (good for skin)
Step 1 – In a bowl, fill with rice, water and rinse. To make sure that the rice is cleaned well, you should use only clean water.
Step 2 – Before covering the bowl, add warm water and mix. Ratios don’t have to be exact at all times. This will be based upon the amount of water and rice used. Wait for 30 minutes for the mixture to soak. Swirl to allow minerals and vitamins to seep in for a more nourishing rinse.
Step 3 – When you strain the water, put it in a clean bowl. Give it time to sit at room temperature for 24 to 48 hours until it ferments (turn slightly sour). In general, this duration will depend on how warm the room is. When the room is warmer, it will be quicker.
Step 4 – There are those who ferment the rice by letting it boil. Even so, you can choose not to boil since everyone’s hair is different. You might choose to try both methods first and see the result. You could add castile soap, chamomile/shikakai tea, aloe vera, and drops of lavender oil for better fragrance and enhanced benefits.
One other approach is making use of cooked rice and extracting the water. This will require the use of additional water than the other. Gather the unused water that was leftover from what was cooked. The principle here is to make use of the more concentrated water that it contains. Let it remain covered as it ferments and you also need to dilute.
How Does Hair Benefit from Using Fermented Rice Water Shampoo?
Is it worth trying? The fermentation process does help in enhancing the rice water effects for your hair. With the minerals and vitamins, it has vitamin B, vitamin E, antioxidants, minerals, and contains traces of pitera yeast, cell regeneration is promoted to get vibrant hair.
How Fermented Rice Water Shampoo is Used
After thoroughly wetting hair, make use of the shampoo and rub it carefully from scalp to hair. Give it at least 5 minutes to sit, then completely rinse out the shampoo. To achieve the best result, apply it once each week.
You could switch to using it as your regular shampoo. The cleansing power can be improved by adding rice flour. Fermented rice water needs to be utilized on damp hair.
Advantages of Fermented Rice Water Shampoo for Hair
Like what was talked about earlier, fermented rice water shampoo has lots to offer. These advantages are proven by modern science so you may use it with confidence.
1. Quicker Hair Growth
Rice water contains vitamins and amino acids that can help in hair regeneration. In addition, it diminishes hair fall.
2. Decreases Split Ends
Split ends can be hard to handle. Well, rice water consists of lots of proteins that keep split ends to a minimum. Achieve this by soaking split ends.
3. Hair Rinse
Change your conditioner to rice water. It may enhance the texture as it adds volume to your hair. This can also make the hair smoother, stronger and healthier.
4. Tones up Hair Roots
Rice water is loaded with amino acids. This will add shine to the hair as it works on leaving it silky smooth.
5. Hair is Resistant to Damage
Surface friction may be minimized when you choose to use fermented rice water shampoo. It can help with the elasticity of hair. It will untangle the hair for quick combing.
Hair is less vulnerable to breakage which is excellent for long, kinky or curly hair. The element that helps restore damaged hair referred to as inositol is found in it. This ingredient remains in the hair despite washing. Hair is safe with continued usage.
6. Eliminates Dandruff
Routine use of fermented rice water helps clear away dandruff. You may then forget about getting embarrassed because of extreme head scratch.
7. Lice Free
Because of the presence of starch in rice water, you could get rid of head lice. It can also help in controlling and managing the lice before the problem becomes worse.
Aside from the hair benefits, rice water can do wonders for the skin. It can be used to moisturize or as an ointment to cool off inflamed skin. This tends to leave your skin feeling soft and smooth.
Like what was discussed, it is evident that fermented rice water shampoo is definitely a sensible choice. You can feel assured using it because it is naturally made and budget friendly.
With the potent effect on the hair and skin, it’s time to make the switch. If you would like to know the ancient history of rice water benefits then visit this article to learn more.