Causes and Cure

How to Get Rid of a Bruise? Know the Simple Hacks

For most of us, bruises are pretty normal part of life.

Who hasn’t walked into the corner of a table?

Who hasn’t bumped into any object?

Well, we all do. I would call you a ‘lucky one’ if you have managed to escape from these ugly bruises.

Do you also have broken vessels under the skin that have turned bluish and purplish in color and are giving you a hard time?

I know how long it takes for a bruise to vanish completely. I totally understand your pain because these are something that spoiled my big day too. I fell off the stairs a day before my wedding bumping my head into the corner of a stair.

I know it sounds really funny now.

But that day I would have given anything to save my special day.

But, you don’t have to worry!

In this article, you will come to know how to get rid of bruises easily within few hours.

Now take a deep breath. You will get rid of that big bruise in few hours.

So let’s help you out.

How to Get Rid of a Bruise Quickly?

Look I know how desperately you want to get rid of a bruise that dark patch. (No matter where you have it) Be it on your face, lips, muscles, face, cheek, palm, bruises are indeed unsightly.

Here are some steps to get rid of bruises in a real fast way!

  • Use ice on the area for at least 15 minutes.
  • Elevate or lift up the bruised part.
  • Take medicines such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen.
  • Take proper rest.
  • Opt for some home remedies. You can apply some vinegar on the bruised area, or simply eat pineapples!

1. Apply Ice on the Area

Apply an ice pack properly on the bruise. It will help reduce the swelling and your skin will heal quickly. Also, it will not let the bruise to increase in size.

Know the Method:

  • Take a sealable plastic carry bag and fill it with ice cubes. Wrap it in a cloth and apply on the bruise.
  • Ice packs filled with gel are designed for various injuries. These packs are easily available at sports shops. These can be used to treat the bruises. Athletes mostly keep them along to fight against bruises.
  • For quick effect, ice should be applied on the affected area for about 10-15 minutes after every one hour.

Remember the Fact:

If the affected skin gets over chilled, it can result in frostbite.

2. Elevate or lift up the area that has bruised

Now let’s take some help from the gravitational force. I know it might sound funny and weird to you guys.

But it can reduce the flow of blood near the affected area. If you lift the affected area in such a way that it is above the level of the heart, you can easily prevent blood puddling in the affected area. Eventually reducing discoloration.

Know the Method:

  • You should make your leg rest by keeping it on pillows, (in case the bruise is present on your leg).
  • If you have a bruised arm, rest it on a few cushions or an armrest.
  • Basically, keep the affected area few inches above your heart level.

Remember the Fact:

If you have bruised your torso, you might not be so lucky. So I would suggest, you better focus on putting ice on the area.

3. Take ibuprofen or Acetaminophen

It is quite obvious that if you have a bruise, it might hurt. If you have a painful bruise take some painkillers for relief.

Remember the Fact:

Avoid aspirin. It leads to thinning of the blood. Therefore there are chances of making your bruise even worse.

4. Take Proper Rest

If you move here and there, you are simply increasing the blood supply to the affected area. And clearly increased blood supply is not something that you would like to do to a bruised skin.

Stay at home and try to rest as much as you can. Watch some nice movie, read novels or whatever your genre is. Play games — indulge in activities that don’t need movements and physical activity. Take rest to get rid of that bruise quickly.

Remember the Fact:

You should get enough sleep for a faster recovery of your body.

When to Consult a Doctor: Know the Conditions

Most of our bruises are not indicative of any emergency medical situation. In fact, they can be cured with all the safety measures and easily by sitting at home itself.

But I would suggest you consult a doctor in following cases:

  • If you have bruise without any visible bumps, injuries or falls.
  • If you are suffering from high temperature.
  • If you see the signs like pus or redness around the bruised area, indicative of any infection.

Consult a doctor immediately

If any major pressure is felt around the bruised area, which is apparently larger in size. A slight decrease of oxygen supply into the blood to any specific area refers to a condition namely, Compartment Syndrome. It can prove fatal.

Know the Fact:

Do not apply any hot thing on your bruise as it can increase the supply of blood to that area resulting in darkening of the bruise.

How to Manage a Bruise?

If you think pressing or rubbing the affected area will reduce the dark patch, you are completely wrong my friend. It can even worsen the condition. Therefore, it is very important to have clear instructions on how to manage a bruise.

Massage the Bruised Area

You can do this many times in a day once you see the occurrence of the dark patch. Gently massaging the bruised area will aid your body’s lymphatic system to get rid of the situation.

  • Make sure not to apply too much pressure on your bruise. It can be painful and you need to avoid that.
  • If the bruise hurts when you touch it, stop right there.

Get yourself some sunlight

It is said that UV light rays help to break down bilirubin. The breaking down of this product causes the bruise to turn yellow in color. It is recommended even by the experienced doctors that you should expose the bruise to sun rays to fasten the breaking down of bilirubin.

But make sure that you do it in a safe amount. Else you will have some real body tan. I know you don’t want that. Do you?

  • Try getting a daily sun exposure for 10 -12 minutes.
  • It will be sufficient in lightening the bruise without exposing your body to tanning.

Let’s Have a Look at Some Natural Ways to Get Rid of a Bruise. Well, you don’t find them ugly because they are given by that special someone!

But you usually don’t want people to see it. Right?

To be honest, hickeys are bad news bearers and not just because your family grounded you for them in school. But because they are the result of excessive sucking and is one of the most common sex injuries.

Try Some Home Remedies to Get Rid of a Bruise

1. Vinegar can Work Wonders

  • You can rub the vinegar on the bruise.
  • Stir a small amount of vinegar with warm water.
  • It should then be rubbed over the affected area.
  • It is said that vinegar helps in increasing the blood supply near the surface of skin.
  • It will fritter away the blood that has puddled in the bruised region.

 Remember the Fact:
Witch hazel can also prove beneficial.

2. Eat more and more Pineapples

  • Bromelain is a digestive enzyme which is present in pineapples.
  • It is responsible for breaking down of proteins that are trapped in the tissues in the form of fluids.
  • You should eat pineapple twice or thrice a day, depending upon your taste buds.

3. Application of Parsley over the Bruise helps in Lightening the Bruise

  • Take few fresh leaves of parsley.
  • Crush and apply them evenly over the entire bruise.
  • With the help of a bandage, wrap up the area properly.
  • It has been claimed by the experts that applying parsley on the skin can reduce pain and inflammation.
  • It can also make your bruise to fade away real fast.

4. Arnica Gel or Ointment usage prove beneficial

  • Arnica is a highly recommended herb for bruises.
  • It helps in reducing swelling and inflammation.
  • Get an ointment containing arnica as a key ingredient, and apply it nicely over the bruised area twice daily.

5. Leech can help you get rid of the bruises

(I know the idea does sound creepy)

Some people have claimed that using a live leech has proven beneficial to them.

  • You can check at any well-supplied Chinese medical store for its easy availability.
  • It will help in removing the blood from the surface of your skin within fraction of seconds.
  • As a matter of fact, the saliva of leech will reduce the pain quickly and therefore, you won’t feel any pain from their bite.
  • You can apply a jelly or any alcohol to remove the leech from your skin.

Remember the Fact

This method is recommended only if the leech has been raised in farms and is disease free.

6. Heat Application

  • First thing you should do is, elevate or lift the affected area using a pillow or a cushion.
  • Use a heat pack which can be easily reused.
  • Avoid using electric blankets.
  • It is proven that wet heat is much better than dry heat for internal injuries.
  • Heat pack should be applied for 1-2 minutes.
  • You should apply it only if you have already used an ice pack.
  • Try to use heat method only the use of ice is painful or if there is any kind of pain in your skin.
  • As for some individuals, the problem is severe and using ice can cause cold reactions.

How to Get Rid of a Bruise Fast? Some Quick Tips for You

  • You can also put a banana peel on the bruised area for 10-15 minutes. This will take the color away.
  • Do not touch that part again and again as it could hurt you more.
  • Aloe Vera gel is soothing.
  • If you feel that your body bruise easily, it is a sign that your body may be deficient in vitamin K. Therefore you should increase your vitamin K levels. Consult your doctor.
  • You should try to keep the injury lifted at a level. Do not exercise as you might make the injury worse.
  • Add ice to it, but make sure you don’t use it for too long or it will appear reddish.
  • Do not massage directly around the bruise as it can irritate it and make it worse.

Keep these Warnings in Mind

  • When you see bruises appear on your skin, always seek a medical help from a professional.
  • Consult a doctor if you need to start or stop any medications.
  • Confirm that you’re not allergic to anything before opting for any above methods.
  • It is strictly told, not to apply Arnica to an open wound.

Concluding Words

We have tried to discuss all the possible methods that help you get rid of a bruise. One more important thing I want to tell you before ending the article.

Home remedies discussed in this article to prevent bruising aren’t medically tested. They are more like any home remedy, that can carry some unknown risks.

Hope this article answered all your questions. If yes, then time for you to buy us a mug of coffee. So, please like, comment, share and subscribe.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How can I get rid of the bruises present on my arm, face, and lips?

You can easily get rid of a bruise on the face by applying some ice cubes. All you need to do is, wrap the ice cubes in a napkin, and put it on the bruise for 5-10 minutes. You won’t get an immediate result, but it will surely lighten the bruise.

My bruise is not responding to cold or heat? What should I do?

In such case, you should switch to natural remedies, such as bananas and parsley.

For how long should I leave the vinegar over my bruise?

It should be applied for around 30- 45 minutes, thrice a day.

How to get rid of a bruise on my face in a quicker way?

Putting an ice pack for 15 minutes in every 1 hour can prove beneficial. Applying parsley in between these ice packs can also be of great help.

Can I use a banana to help get rid of bruises?

It may slightly help, but you might need to apply arnica cream or gel. Apply an ample amount and massage until it is not visible on your skin.

Alina Quinn

I am Alina Quinn, a freelancer blogger who loves to write about health and Fitness and about latest fashion, currently I am working with FliptheLife, one of the fastest growing community created by fitness freaks, who love to write about health, fitness, beauty and the latest fashion news, etc...

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