10 Lemon Hacks | Cheat Sheet to Better Health with Lemons

Before I started down the road to better nutrition, I never gave lemons much thought. The old me used to just toss slices of lemon in my water or use freshly squeezed ones when I ate fish. I never really ventured further than this.
I could not have been more wrong. By diving headlong into a healthier lifestyle, I started to find myself more impressed and surprised by the simple, yet amazing, lemon. They are also a powerhouse of health benefits, packed with vitamin C, antioxidants, and various nutrients that can contribute to overall well-being.
In this cheat sheet, we’ll explore 15 lemon hacks that go beyond the ordinary, offering creative ways to incorporate lemons into your daily routine for better health.
Amazing Lemon Hacks to Better Health with Lemons
1. Travel Sickness or Nausea
Motion sickness is no fun, especially since it tends to show its unpleasant face during your vacation. Ever take your family to an amusement park or go on a family road trip only to discover that one of the kids has motion sickness?
Before you scramble to find the nearest drugstore, grab a lemon instead. It may look a little weird at first, but when you find some lemons to suck on, you’ll be able to feel better and enjoy your vacation in no time.
Why? Because lemons are excellent at treating nausea.
Plus, there are no added side effects or disgusting flavors like over-the-counter medicines.
2. Natural Relief for Hangovers
Now, we’re not encouraging you to drink excessively, but we’ve all had those mornings of regret for drinking so much the night before. When you find yourself in this unbearable circumstance, lemons can help you out.
Not only will the lemons fight nausea, but they’ll also help your liver detox and provide your body with essential electrolytes to replenish the ones you lost when you were drinking.
Squeeze a lemon in your water and drink up!
3. Reduce Bloating
Bloating can be caused by several different factors. And just like motion sickness, extra bloating tends to plague us at the worst times.
If you wake up one morning feeling a little too bloated, try a slimming concoction that combines slices of cucumber, lemon, oranges, and mint leaves.
Rejoice when your skinny jeans fit comfortably once again.
4. Detoxify Your Liver
Our livers are so much more important than most people give them credit for. Did you know that the liver is responsible for performing hundreds of different functions? With that said, an unhealthy liver filled with toxins can disrupt several processes in our bodies simultaneously and make us feel terrible.
A good way to rid your liver of these unwanted toxins is by using lemon peels. D-limonene, a key component found in the peels of citrus fruits like lemons and oranges, helps to remove unwanted “fat sludge” from the body and works wonders to detoxify the liver.
5. Cancer Protection
“As an excellent source of the powerful antioxidant vitamin C, lemons and lemon juice can help fight the formation of free radicals known to cause cancer,” according to Megan Ware, RDN, LD, registered dietician and nutritionist.
This one surprised me – sure, you can’t use lemons like sunblock, but isn’t it wild that lemons offer your body a form of natural protection from Cancer? It’s good to know that such a small fruit can help fight the buildup of free radicals in your body in a big way.
6. Weight Loss
No, eating lemons won’t make you lose more weight than the Biggest Loser contestants, and you certainly won’t see a significant reduction quickly, but lemons aid in weight loss when added to a healthy diet and exercise plan.
Lemons are great for boosting your metabolism and providing you with energy to stay active throughout the day.
Adding a decent-sized sprinkle of cayenne pepper to your freshly squeezed lemon water will provide you with a little kick and an even better metabolism boost. Don’t go crazy or the cayenne will be too much heat to be enjoyable.
7. Lemons Help Lower Cholesterol
I hate the visual I’m about to share, but it’s the best way to explain it: lemons get rid of the extra sludge stuck in your body. We talked about removing this gross stuff from your digestive pipes, but lemons can also help lower your cholesterol.
Back in 2013, the International Journal of Humanities and Social Science conducted a study whereby participants with high blood pressure were given either a glass of water with lemon juice, one apple, or a combination of both. The results were fascinating.
Individuals in the lemon juice group “showed the best results in lowering of blood LDL Cholesterol and Triglycerides,” according to the research.
Those who had both the apple and the lemon juice were the second-best performers at lowering their cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
Keep in mind, participants were asked to exercise during this trial period so researchers are unsure if exercising in combination with drinking the lemon juice kickstarted the significant results.
8. Prevent Kidney Stones
Ok, you get it, lemons are super healthy for our bodies. But wait! There’s more! (cue the drumroll). Lemons have also been shown to prevent kidney stones due to their natural citrate properties.
According to Dr. Jhagroo, “We believe that citrate in the urine may prevent the calcium from binding with other constituents that lead to stones…Also, some evidence suggests that citrate may prevent crystals that are already present from binding with each other, thus preventing them from getting bigger.”
Enjoy some lemon water for the sake of your kidneys and sanity – if you’ve ever suffered through the pain of kidney stones, you know exactly what I’m talking about.
9. Asthma Relief
Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, lemons are also useful in relieving asthma symptoms. By reducing inflammation, constricted airways can safely open up and you can start to breathe easier.
According to Ann Heustad, R.N., take a tablespoon of lemon juice at least an hour before meals to alleviate your asthma.
One thing to note: lemon juice from a bottle does not have the same effects. Use real lemons.
The Asthma Initiative of Michigan points out that the sulfites and sulfiting agents found in the bottled versions of lemon juice can trigger asthma.
10. Mood Booster & Sleep Aid
To reap the natural mood-boosting benefits of lemons, try using them in aromatherapy. You don’t need to go out and buy a fancy, expensive oil claiming to boost your mood or relax you.
All you need is a fresh lemon and a pot of water.
First, boil the water. Once that’s done, squeeze in the fresh lemon juice and drop the lemons right into the pot. Next, start inhaling that fresh lemon scent. That’s all you have to do.
The lemon aroma has been shown to reduce anxiety levels and calm the mind so it’s a great option for stressful or restless nights and a much better alternative to Tylenol PM.
As you can see, the list of life hacks involving lemons is huge, and these are only my top 10 picks. No matter how you slice them, lemons are so full of healthy and helpful benefits, they should be a staple on your shopping list.
From enhancing the flavor of your dishes to promoting better health and well-being, lemons are a versatile and accessible ingredient that can be incorporated into various aspects of your daily life.
Experiment with these lemon hacks and discover how this citrus superstar can become your secret weapon for a healthier and more vibrant lifestyle.
What lemon hacks of your own do you have for me to steal?