Hair Care

Are Hair Transplants Safe? Getting Back Your Spark

If you suffer hair loss, a hair transplant is probably on your radar. But then, you may be concerned if the procedure is safe or even effective at all or just a way to con you of your cash.

According to the ASPS, hair transplants are generally safe when conducted by a skilled and experienced surgeon.

It’s crucial you seek out a doctor with a proven track record.

How does hair transplant work?

Hair transplants or restoration aims to restore hair growth to areas with little or no hair.

During hair restoration, the surgeon collects hair follicles from a dense part (the donor area) of your head and implants them in tiny slits in the sparse area. These healthy hair follicles begin to grow, and the sparse area becomes dense again, giving you the full thick hair you’ve always wanted.

Why go for hair restoration?

Hair loss can result from varying causes, such as poor hair treatment and aging. Since hair is a beauty marker, restoring yours can be a way to regain your glow and confidence.

Is it permanent?

Hair restoration is permanent if done on a healthy scalp. Once healthy hair follicles get into a healthy scalp, they get all the nutrients and support they need to thrive. It’s also important that the donor area is resistant to DHT, the hormone that causes hair loss.

However, follow-up procedures surgery will likely be required after your hair transplant. It’s also crucial that you’re healthy before going for the surgery.

How effective is a hair transplant?

To answer this question, it’s worth mentioning that there are different types of hair transplants. The two main types are:

  • Follicular unit extraction (FUE)
  • Follicular unit strip surgery (FUSS)

FUE generally takes longer and requires more skill than FUSS. Although both are effective, they can achieve different results in different cases. One study shows that FUE can produce highly impressive results if done by a highly-skilled surgeon.

What type of hair transplant would work best for me?

Many factors go into the results you’ll see after having a hair restoration procedure. When you schedule a hair transplant with Dr. Hardik Doshi, he’ll consider your body type, area, and severity of hair loss to determine the appropriate procedure.

Furthermore, you must follow your surgeon’s instructions on what to do and avoid after the surgery. For instance, you may need to wait a few days before washing the hair.

When should I expect results?

The results of a hair transplant are not instant. You may need to wait up to four months before the transplanted hair follicles start growing densely. Within a year, your hair should be full once more.

Are there side effects?

The possible side effects of hair transplants are usually mild, including pain in the scalp area. This goes after some days.

Scarring and infection are also possible, but the risk diminishes when an experienced surgeon carries out the procedure.

If you feel anxious about your receding hairline, a hair transplant can be just what you need to restore your confidence. Gone are the days when you’d wish if only you could alter your looks. Thanks to science, those dreams have become a reality.

Alina Quinn

I am Alina Quinn, a freelancer blogger who loves to write about health and Fitness and about latest fashion, currently I am working with FliptheLife, one of the fastest growing community created by fitness freaks, who love to write about health, fitness, beauty and the latest fashion news, etc...

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