7 Key Benefits of CBD

Chronic pain plagues Americans. A recent study indicates 20% of Americans are suffering from chronic pain at any given time.
For years the go-to treatment for dealing with this pain has been prescription painkillers. As the fallout and consequences of this become apparent, alternatives are being sought. People want a natural product that can help them eliminate or manage their pain.
Shorthand for cannabidiol, CBD is one of the hundreds of compounds in the cannabis plant. Read on, and we’ll tell you everything you need to know about CBD and its many purported health benefits.
CBD: A Natural Product for Pain Management
We already mentioned that CBD comes from the cannabis plant. It’s important to note that CBD is one of the non-psychoactive components of the plant. This means it won’t make you feel high like THC does.
CBD is one of many cannabinoids in the cannabis plant. All of them interact with your body’s endocannabinoid system or ECS. The ECS plays a role in:
- immune function
- sleep
- appetite
- and pain response
Human testing is still in the early stages, and the initial results are encouraging. Additionally, the anecdotal evidence is overwhelming. People are using CBD to treat just about everything under the sun.
One of the best parts about CBD is the many fun ways you can use it. You can experiment and choose which product is the best for you!
Recent polls show that 33% of adults have used CBD at least once, while 64% have heard of CBD. People use it to treat everything from arthritis to anxiety. And CBD’s popularity doesn’t seem to be fading at all.
What follows are the top seven health benefits of this wonderful natural product.
1. Pain Relief
Perhaps the most obvious, people love CBD for its alleged pain-relieving qualities. As a compound, it does have both anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Both of which can alleviate pain.
Using a natural product, like CBD, to treat pain has many benefits. The risk of adverse side effects is nearly nil, and there is no risk of developing dependency.
2. Reduce Anxiety
Anxiety and depression are on the rise in all segments of the population. The World Health Organization found depression to be the number one contributor to disability. Anxiety disorders clocked in at number six.
Again, these issues are most often treated with pharmaceuticals—some of which can be highly habit-forming, not to mention toxic to the body.
CBD is a natural product that has shown great promise in this realm. It can effectively treat both depression and anxiety.
How? CBD acts on our brain’s serotonin receptors. Serotonin is the happy-making neurotransmitter that regulates mood and social behavior.
3. May Prevent Seizures
This is perhaps best documented in the case of Charlotte Figi. Charlotte had Dravat Syndrome, and no conventional treatments were helping her. Desperate, her parents turned to CBD.
As they say, the rest is history.
Charlotte went from having 300 grand mal seizures a week to just a handful. Thanks to CBD treatments, she lived a somewhat normal childhood until she passed in 2019.
The FDA cautions that more research is needed. However, we do know that early clinical trials and anecdotal evidence point to great things, including a reduction in severity, duration, and frequency of seizures.
4. Compliments and Supports Cancer Treatments
The cannabis plant has made a name for itself when it comes to cancer treatments. It’s now well-known for helping relieve symptoms of chemotherapy—most notably nausea, vomiting, and lack of appetite.
As CBD has grown in popularity, the research is shifting. Scientists are looking at how cannabinoids, like CBD, could help inhibit tumor growth.
You can start to see how the effects build on one another with this powerhouse natural product.
5. Helps Support Healthy Digestion
We’ve already touched on how CBD can help with inflammation. Is it any surprise that CBD helps alleviate the discomfort caused by things like IBS and Crohns? We didn’t think so.
This therapeutic effect happens because CBD oil is rich in antioxidants. These antioxidants protect the gut lining, promoting healthy digestion. In a one-two-punch, CBD works on the gut lining and the body’s stress response.
Recent studies support this. They have found CBD reduces intestinal inflammation. Mitigating the risk of other intestinal issues.
6. Supports a Healthy Heart
We all know that high blood pressure is behind a number of severe health risks, like a heart attack or stroke. But what if you could lower your blood pressure without a prescription?
New studies link CBD to lower blood pressure by preventing vascular damage. The anti-stress and anxiety properties certainly help in that regard too.
If your CBD product is made with hemp oil, that’s a happy bonus. Hemp oil is super high in Omega-3 fatty acids, which support a healthy circulatory system.
7. Could Help With Skin Conditions
About 9% of the United States adult population struggles with acne. And, you guessed it, CBD might just help with that.
The anti-inflammatory properties of CBD come into play again here. When ingested, CBD oil seems to help balance the immune system. By balancing the immune system, CBD appears to help by both preventing outbreaks as well as alleviating any existing ones.
When applied topically, CBD can be an excellent resource for alleviating muscle pain or soreness. As well as offering relief for eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, and stubborn acne.
A Natural Product For All Your Ailments
CBD might seem like the perfect natural product for all your ailments. And honestly, you might be right. Although studies are in their infancy, they point to great things.
Whether you find yourself suffering from chronic pain, stress, and anxiety, or stubborn acne, using CBD could be a big help. It’s always a good idea to talk with your primary doctor before making changes in your existing treatment plans.
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