Health & Fitness

5 Easy Routine Steps to Protect Your Oral Health

Oral and dental hygiene helps keep tooth decay, bad breath, and gum disease at bay.

Simple habits like brushing your teeth regularly and scheduling dental checkups come a long way in achieving oral health and general physical and emotional well-being throughout life.

Here are some easy routine steps to incorporate to maintain excellent oral health

1. Brushing regularly

Brushing your teeth removes plaque and bacteria in your mouth after meals. Brush your teeth at least twice a day to keep your teeth clean. It is worth noting that the technique you use to brush your teeth matters.

Use small circular motions to brush the back, front, and top of each tooth. A good brushing should take you at least 2 to 3 minutes. Be gentle and avoid hard-bristled brushes that can ruin your tooth enamel and gums.

Aggressive brushing causes tooth sensitivity, gum erosion, and damage to the protective tooth enamel. Remember to change your brush every three months or when the ends start to fray.

2. Having flossers with you

It is common to have food between your teeth that your toothbrush bristles cannot reach. Bacteria build-up causes gum disease if left to its devices. Flossing helps gets tiny food pieces stuck between the teeth.

Always have your flossers on hand when travelling. It will come in handy by dislodging stubborn food pieces between your teeth and keeping your oral health in check.

3. Drinking plenty of water

Water helps flush out food debris, preventing cavities and getting your mouth to its natural PH. Drink plenty of water during the day. Consider replacing your daily coffee and soda boost with water.

Coffee and soda have bacteria feeding sugar that contributes to cavities. They are also acidic and stain your teeth. The safest drink of choice is water.

Not only will your teeth and gums appreciate that, but your general health and well-being will benefit from water consumption.

4. Scheduling regular dental appointments

A significant part of gaining and maintaining overall health is making regular visits to the dentist. Your dentist will arrest problems like gum disease and cavities long before they become dire.

According to Dr. Ana Martinez, a Santa Barbara dentist, scheduling frequent visits to your dentists is one of the best ways to keep your gums and teeth healthy.

A dentist will do checkups and professional cleaning that removes hardened tartar, helping prevent cavities and gum disease.

It is easy for the mountain of responsibilities in your day to get you too busy to squeeze an appointment. Try booking in advance. That way, you have no choice but to make time to go to the dentist when the time comes.

Leave your appointment with dates for the next one.

5. Consuming plenty of crunchy fruits and vegetables

The vitamins and minerals in fruits and vegetables strengthen your immune system and teeth. Moreover, crunchy vegetables and foods scrape plaque from the teeth surface, keeping the teeth clean.

That way, your teeth are protected from decay and cavities. Vegetables and fruits like apples and carrots also give you the extra energy you need to go through your day in addition to improving oral and overall health.

Wrapping up

Your mouth is the entry point for your respiratory and digestive tracts. Any bacteria present could cause disease and general health issues.

Fortunately, good oral care habits like flossing and brushing your teeth help keep the bacteria under control, preventing oral infections like tooth decay and gum disease.

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Alina Quinn

I am Alina Quinn, a freelancer blogger who loves to write about health and Fitness and about latest fashion, currently I am working with FliptheLife, one of the fastest growing community created by fitness freaks, who love to write about health, fitness, beauty and the latest fashion news, etc...

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