Cause & Cure

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Clean Invisalign Trays (the Right Way!)

The right way to clean Invisalign Trays….

Invisible aligners, otherwise known as Invisalign, have taken over the dental industry. The Invisalign vs braces debate places Invisalign on top.

Many prefer them over traditional metal braces because of their clear casing.

The clear casing is great for teens and adults alike until the trays are stained. Stained aligners will cause bacteria buildup.

The bacteria buildup that happens can result in tooth decay and tooth staining. An easy way to avoid the issue is to clean your trays. But do you know how to clean Invisalign trays?

We’ll discuss how to clear aligners in your daily life.

How to Clean Invisalign Trays – the Right Way

1. Soak Your Aligners When You Wake

While you are brushing your teeth in the morning consider soaking your aligners. After a full night of sleep bacteria will accumulate on both your teeth and your aligners.

For simple Invisalign maintenance, soak them in distilled vinegar and lukewarm water.

2. Rinse Them With Water After Eating

You aren’t always in a place where properly cleaning your aligners is possible. A quick way to ensure you are keeping the trays as clean as possible is to rinse them with lukewarm water after eating.

Rinse Them With Water After Eating

Rinsing them will remove any saliva or bacteria buildup that has cumulated throughout your day.

Interested in learning more about how Invisalign will change your life? Click to learn more about how you can reap the benefits of Invisalign.

3. Avoid Harsh Cleansers

Harsh cleansers will break down your aligners. While toothpaste is great for your teeth, it will scratch your aligners.

An important tip on how to clean Invisalign trays? Avoid scented or colored soaps.

Scented soaps will start to taste bitter in your mouth. Colored soaps will stain your Invisalign which is the opposite of what you want.

4. Use Baking Soda to Deodorize

Baking soda is a tried and true option for cleaning. It is great for cleaning various things around the house: including your aligners.

Soaking your aligners for a minimum of 30 minutes with a tablespoon of baking soda and 1/2 cup of warm water works great.

Knowing How to Clean Invisalign Trays Improves Oral Health

Inviable aligners are an effective way to properly fix orthodontic issues without taking a hit to your confidence. They offer a great alternative to traditional metal braces and are great for all ages.

Clean Invisalign Trays Improves Oral Health

Effectively cleaning them will ensure they keep their invisible quality throughout your treatment.

Understanding how to clean Invisalign trays helps to keep your oral health in check. Once you know how to care for your Invisalign trays you’ll feel confident wearing them.

Whether you end up wearing them for a few months or a few years, knowing how to keep them clean leads to better oral health.

To learn more tips and tricks that assist in your daily life like this one, read more of our posts. If you enjoyed this article, you’ll love our others that talk about life hacks, advice, and DIY Tips.

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Alina Quinn

I am Alina Quinn, a freelancer blogger who loves to write about health and Fitness and about latest fashion, currently I am working with FliptheLife, one of the fastest growing community created by fitness freaks, who love to write about health, fitness, beauty and the latest fashion news, etc...

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