Hair Care

How To Find the Best Hair Care Product for You

If you pay attention at all to the condition of your hair, you’ll know how much your choice of product can affect it. For most people, it’s a case of trial and error, but what if there was a way for you to know exactly what the best hair care products are for you?

Thankfully, there are ways to narrow it down so that you can keep your hair in the best condition possible, whether you have curly hair, naturally greasy hair, thin hair… you name it! We’re going to help you find out what exactly you need, so keep reading as we look into what products work for certain hair types.

Establish Your Hair Type

You’ve probably got a fair idea of your hair type, but did you know there’s actually a hair typing system? Stylist Andre Walker created this system in the 90s. Here’s a quick look at the different types of hair:

Type 1—Straight Shooter

The clue is in the name for this type of hair. Type 1 hair is straight, with no curl pattern. Within this type, we have A, B, and C. A is completely straight and thin and won’t hold a curl, while type C is a little thicker, even with some waves. It can hold a curl, and type B is somewhere in between.

Type 2—Lax & Loose

Lax & loose can be simplified to mean “wavy.” To define whether your hair is a type A, B, or C for wavy hair is generally based on how frizzy it gets, with type C being the “frizziest,” if that’s a word!

Type 3—Stunningly Spirited

Now we’re getting into naturally curly hair. Type 3 hair, because of its texture, is usually a little drier than the other types. Oil from the scalp has a tougher time working its way down, hence the dryness. Types A to C increase in how tightly the curls are coiled naturally.

Type 4 – Creative & Coily

Type 4 hair is very tightly coiled and holds its shape incredibly well. Whether it’s a grade A, B, or C depends on how defined the shape of each coil is, with type C being difficult to define.

Find Products That Suit Your Hair Type

Once you’ve established your hair type, you’ll have an understanding of what exactly your hair needs. For example, someone looking for curly hair care products will need something that provides plenty of lasting moisture. Browse a good haircare website like, where you’ll find a huge range of products to match your type.

There Are Hair Care Products for Everyone

We said that trial and error are the best way for them to find the best hair care products for most people. This is because it works, but you can really narrow down your search by establishing your hair type and trying out a few different options.

You’re sure to find something that works best for you, both in terms of your hair and your budget!

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Alina Quinn

I am Alina Quinn, a freelancer blogger who loves to write about health and Fitness and about latest fashion, currently I am working with FliptheLife, one of the fastest growing community created by fitness freaks, who love to write about health, fitness, beauty and the latest fashion news, etc...

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