Cause & Cure

How to Stop Jaw Pain

Are you finding it difficult to chew, sleep, or go about your daily activities because of jaw pain? You’re at the right place!

Jaw pain usually occurs at the joint that connects your skull and jaw. It may be caused by sinus problems, cluster headaches, tooth pain, or even heart attack.

Here are home remedies and medical interventions on how to stop jaw pain.

1. Apply Ice Packs or Moist Heat

Place ice cubes in a small plastic bag. Carefully wrap them in a thin fabric, and apply it on the inflamed part of your face for a few minutes. Remove it for about 10 minutes and reapply it.

You can also soak a washcloth in warm water and apply it to the aching jaw for similar results.

2. Consider Over-the-Counter Pain Killers

Take acetaminophen or ibuprofen to ease the discomfort caused by jaw pain. Follow the recommended dose and avoid taking the medication if you have a chronic illness.

Keep in mind that OTC painkillers only provide short-term pain relief.

3. Correct Your Posture

You may feel pain in your jaw after sitting in an uncomfortable position for extended periods. Keep your back muscles upright while seated and take breaks if your work requires you to sit for hours.

4. Massage the Sore Areas

Use your index and middle finger to massage the affected area in a circular motion. You should also massage your neck muscles to ease both jaw and neck pain.

5. Avoid Caffeine and Chewy Foods

Over-reliance on caffeine may lead to withdrawal symptoms such as muscle tension and jaw pain. Besides limiting your caffeine intake, also avoid crunchy, tough, and chewy foods such as apples, nuts, and corn.

6. Employ Stress-relieving Techniques

Stress-relieving techniques such as meditation, journaling, and yoga can help reduce jaw pain. They may only work when the inflammation in your jaw muscle is caused by stress.

7. Explore Non-Invasive Medical Treatments

Your doctor may recommend non-invasive medical remedies that involve mouthguards and muscle relaxers to help relieve jaw pain. A specially prescribed mouthguard will prevent you from unconsciously gnashing or grinding your teeth while you’re asleep. Consequently, muscle relaxers help relieve jaw tension and head throb caused by an inflamed jawbone.

8. Explore Invasive Medical Interventions

Invasive treatment methods such as jaw surgery and Botox cosmetic injections usually help when all the remedies discussed above fail to work. Your doctor may recommend Botox for jaw pain, which relaxes the muscles around the jaw area.

Jaw surgery, on the other hand, helps treat severe cases of jaw pain. It focuses on the structural ailments of the jaw joint to help relieve jaw pain.

Learn How to Stop Jaw Pain Fast and Effectively

You are now armed with insightful information on how to stop jaw pain. Don’t suffer in silence again!

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Alina Quinn

I am Alina Quinn, a freelancer blogger who loves to write about health and Fitness and about latest fashion, currently I am working with FliptheLife, one of the fastest growing community created by fitness freaks, who love to write about health, fitness, beauty and the latest fashion news, etc...

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