Cause & Cure

Preparation for Rhinoplasty – Things to Avoid, and Dietary Guidelines

If you’re contemplating a rhinoplasty, you might be wondering how to be in the finest condition possible so that you can get the greatest possible results from the process.

Even though your doctor and surgeon should have given you much information you need to understand what’s involved, this piece will focus on what you should do before the procedure.

Remember that, although the surgery is focused on your nose, you may find that your body is also impacted, and you may better prepare for this.

Here is what you need to know before going for your rhinoplasty by Dr. Richard Montilla.

Avoid Alcohol Consumption One Week Before Surgery

No matter how strained your nerves may be due to your impending cosmetic procedures, you should still refrain from consuming alcohol.

It dehydrates you, weakens your immune system, and slows down your healing time. Prepare yourself mentally and physically by finding other ways of unwinding before your procedure.

Abstain from Taking Aspirin

The blood-thinning characteristics of aspirin and medicines such as coumadin should be avoided before and after your surgical procedure. It can interfere with anesthesia; therefore, it’s best to avoid them altogether. In addition, it may increase the length of time you spend healing.

Occasionally, your doctor may advise you to cease taking aspirin medication a week before surgery. However, depending on your medical condition, you may be able to continue taking low-dose aspirin. Always be sure to bring this up with your doctor.

Check On Your Diet

It’s important to refrain from eating anything after midnight the night before your nose surgery. However, that doesn’t mean you should go rhinoplasty by Dr. Richard Montilla on a strict fast before the procedure.

As an example, increasing your protein intake is an excellent option. Protein is essential and may speed up the healing and recovery process, allowing you to overcome whatever trauma you encountered during the procedure.

This involves including foods high in protein, such as chicken, pork, eggs, and beans, into your diet. Try and do this about three weeks before your rhinoplasty procedure.

The more nutritious your pre-surgery diet is, the better off you’ll be in your recovery process.

Avoid Using Topical Creams.

Stop using topical treatments on your face at least four days before the surgery. Instead, only use cleansers and moisturizers. Avoid AHA, Retin-A, and BHA-containing products such as salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, as well as other medicated creams.

If you’re unsure of any other skin treatments, inquire about your skincare routine with your doctor. Also, try to maintain a minimalist skincare approach by using basic facial products.

Bottom Line

It’s natural to be uncertain about what to do ahead of your rhinoplasty by Dr. Richard Montilla. To guarantee a smooth and effective operation, you need to take certain preparation steps.

Your plastic surgeons should address this topic if you have any concerns or specific issues you wish to discuss.

While the information in the preceding list might help you get ready for surgery, you should always follow the recommendations of your doctors or operation center. Always keep in mind that each patient is unique, and this guide cannot possibly cover everyone.

Alina Quinn

I am Alina Quinn, a freelancer blogger who loves to write about health and Fitness and about latest fashion, currently I am working with FliptheLife, one of the fastest growing community created by fitness freaks, who love to write about health, fitness, beauty and the latest fashion news, etc...

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