Tea Detox Diet – A Miraculous Way to Detox

Most of us lead a very sedentary lifestyle these days. Due to our hectic schedule, eating healthy and living healthy has been next to impossible to follow. We are putting a lot of junk into our system.
Along with that, we are not giving our bodies the required amount of exercise that will help to flush out the toxins from our body. This causes a lot of toxin accumulation, and our livers are not able to perform their function of detoxification properly.
There are many side effects to that, mainly in digestion and excessive weight gain.
Most of us are trying to shed off the extra kilos that we have gained over the years but find it difficult to find out exactly what will help. In this case, a good tea detox plan might be the best option for you.
The main reason why it is a very good option is that it does a duel effect on the body. It will not only help you to shed those extra kilos but also help you to flush the toxins out of your body.
What is a Tea Detox?
A tea detox plan is basically a diet plan that includes consuming a lot of green tea and some other fruits and broths that will help you to lose weight and clean out your system.
When you are following a tea detox plan, there is a high chance that you will not be able to have any solid food items. This is a form of starving your body so that all the impurities in it comes out with the help of the liquid you are in taking.
Green tea also contains a lot of anti-oxidants that help the liver to function properly and helps it to perform the detoxification properly.
Benefits of a Good Detox Plan
There are many benefits of a good detox plan. They include:
- Great for weight loss – The most important one is that it helps you to lose a lot of weight. The weight loss process will be quite quick. You will be consuming less than half the actual calories that you require on a daily basis. This helps you to lose the extra weight that you have.
- Good for the kidney – Another big benefit is that it has a very healthy effect on the kidneys. Our kidneys are the organ that naturally detoxify the body. When we are drinking a lot of fluids, including green tea, we are actually helping the body perform that function more efficiently. You can feel a change in your skin and hair as well.
- Helps in proper digestion – It aids your digestion. Due to our hectic lifestyle, we often end up eating a lot of junk. When you go on a good detox plan that includes tea, you are actually helping your body get back to the healthy version that it used to be. Your intestines will perform much better after your detox plan.
- Get a glowing skin – There is an overall change in the body. Since the toxins in the body are taken out, you will end up with a clearer and vibrant skin. If you are having hair loss problems, then that will be treated as well through a good tea detox plan. This is mainly because when your body is completely detoxified, it can perform all the bodily functions much more efficiently.
What do you have to follow in tea detox diet?
The most important fact about any good detox plan is that you will have to drink a lot of green tea and other fluids. Most solids foods are a complete no. you can have many different types of teas that are available in the market.
If you are particularly looking to lose weight, then it is recommended that you consume teas that help to boost your metabolism. These kinds of teas are easily available in the market, and you can purchase a few verities of them if you do not want to get bored with just one variety.
These diets can often go on for around 21 days. You can choose the type of regime you want to follow. It is recommended that you also try and incorporate a few types of light exercises in your regime as well.
Tea will flush out all the toxins
The most important thing that a good tea detox plan includes are the teas. There are many different types of teas available in the market. Most of us think that green tea is just of one variety.
But the truth is that there are many different varieties of the same. Most of them have some special function that it will help you with. For example, if you want to lose weight then you can take the type of green tea that will help you to increase your metabolism.
Again of you are wanting to get energy, then you can consume Much green tea powder with milk as that does the work of coffee. The choice of green tea depends on what you are aiming for.
How exactly do you lose the weight?
When you are consuming green tea, you are essentially helping your liver to perform better. You liver is the organ that performs the natural task of detoxifying your body.
Tea detox just helps to enhance the function and make the liver more efficient. You mainly lose weight because your body will release all the toxins that will come out of the body with the help of the fluids stored in your body.
This is a very good process mainly because you do not need to put in any extra effort. Another reason why you actually lose the weight is because you are consuming the much lower amount of calories than you should consume on a daily basis.
Regaining the weight
But do you regain the weight? The sad part is that if you go on a good detox diet, then you end up losing a lot of weight fast but as soon as you are off it, you regain a lot of that weight.
The weight loss is not a long time thing. There is a big chance that if you go back to the old lifestyle of no exercise and consuming junk food, then you might end up gaining more weight than you actually lost.
Also, since you are consuming the very low amount of calories on the diet days, your metabolism will go very down. Thus, it so happens that once you start consuming solid food again, you will put on much more weight than before.
A modified tea detox plan
When you go on a detox plan, you need to note that you cannot consume alcohol, coffee or dairy products. You will also be restricted on the amount of solid food intake.
Here is a very simple 7 days detox tea plan that will help you lose the extra weight and detoxify your body at the same time. All you need to do is do these few things for 7 days straight and you will feel that your whole body will feel rejuvenated.
- Drink a lot of green tea and non-sugary fluids : It is very important that you follow every meal with a cup of lukewarm to warm green tea. There is no limit to the amount of green tea or other forms of tea that you consume.It is very important to keep your body hydrated. So drink up! But make sure that you avoid any form of sugary drinks. You have to cut out sugar from your system completely unless it is in the natural form.
- Start the day with lemon juice : Start your day with a glass of warm lemon water. Do not add anything to it. If you need some sweetness, then a little honey will do. Having this as a lukewarm concoction is the best.
- Eat a lot of fruits : Since you are off sugar, fruits can be the natural form of sugar for you. Eating fruits will not only help you with your sugar cravings but will also ensure that you are full for a long time. Try and avoid fruits that contain too much sugar, though. Fruit juices a big yes as well but of course unsweetened.
- Have raw vegetable : Along with fruits, you can have a serving of raw vegetable each day.
- Cut down on salt as much as possible : Cut down on salt as that makes you bloat up.
- Scrub your body well : Scrubbing your body will help you to get a better circulation. This also helps to clean your body of the toxins that are coming out in the form of sweat.
- Chew your food well : Make sure that you chew your food very well before you swallow it.
- Light exercising : Get a little bit of exercise each day. But make sure you do not do any heavy sets your calorie intake is quite low.
Final Words
Detox diet is a very good thing to follow as long as you do not fall sick. Make sure you know your limits and do not overdo it. They will definitely make your lifestyle much healthier and well balanced.