Health & Fitness

The Ingredient That Helps Achieve Desired Weight Results

The pound-shedding rule of 20% exercise and 80% healthy diet is valid for a good reason.

Making lifestyle changes – including following a healthy dietary pattern, reducing caloric intake, and engaging in physical activity – is the basis for achieving long-term weight loss.

It is easier said than done, especially when you’re not in your teens and the metabolism decides to be “out of order.”

When you’re trying to snatch that waist just before summer or after a haul of holidays, the struggle is real. You stock up your pantries with whole foods and healthy alternatives, though sometimes what you really need is one bottle of powder-form substance.

We’re talking about the dietary fiber supplement ColonBroom.

ColonBroom’s Slimming Power

Studies show that increasing total dietary fiber reduces body fat, improves glycemic response, and reduces blood pressure. All we need to make our metabolism’s flow-work rise like a phoenix from the ashes.

That’s why psyllium husk (one of our top fav ingredients in ColonBroom) does the magic. Can it lead to weight loss? Absolutely. Soluble fiber absorbs water and makes stool softer.

People feel fuller for longer because the consumed fiber swells in the stomach, as a result of which it takes up part of the stomach contents. Drink ColonBroom 30-60 minutes before a meal, that way you will avoid compulsive snacking or binge-eating.

No wonder people decide to add fiber supplements to their daily lives because IT WORKS.

But the Spellbound Will Work Only If…

You really invest in a cleansing process in order to reach those goddess-like results. Hovering plates of junk food, late-night snacking, keeping your life-cord with energy drinks will discombobulate the gut-work. Worst case scenario, all the flushed out pounds will pile up back like autumn leaves in the backyard.

That’s the thing with fiber supplements. By only using them, you can reduce weight to some extent. No gut wizardry, just a simple, balanced equation. Though, you can activate ColonBroom’s powers x3 with.

Some working out

Not only do you massage your bowel with squats, lunges, and daily walking, you also sweat out and burn all that nasty stuff that’s piling up near your gut. Double win.

Calorie deficiency

We won’t force you to starve. We’d be banned for that for sure…

Calorie deficiency means reducing the number of calories you usually eat per day. You’d be surprised to know that some folks ingest up to 2,800 and more calories a day – and not because they were hungry, but because they were… bored. If you cut out 500kcal of your daily dose, chances are you can lose 1–2lb a week.

While results vary depending on dozens of factors, you can also try eating more slowly, mindfully, and limit the portions. Be a little strict on yourself, and instead of a pot of mac ’n’ cheese, eat a small bowl. But with the purest joy and pleasure.

Healthier food choices

Okay, previously, we vented out that it’s difficult to quickly shift to healthier food choices. But combining healthy meals and fiber supplements will boost your results by double.

Since you’re already taking huge amounts of liquids and nutrients, fiber speeds up the digestion process, making you feel fresh, clean, and lean after every bowel emptying.


What on sheep counting’s name does sleep have to do with weight loss?

First things first, lack of sleep increases appetite. Waking up moody and snoozy, your hand automatically grasps for an energy bar and a cup of morning joe.

Sugar rush kicks in and quickly fades out, but you gotta keep up the pace and fill the tummy with some hot and tough meal, right?

Before bedtime, you end up rolling in the sheets wide awake for 2–3 hours. And the vicious cycle goes on and on and on…

Conclusion: get some quality sleep.

Bottom Line

Fiber is an important nutrient that, let’s be real, is underrated. Evidence of the beneficial health effects of consuming adequate levels of whole fruits has been steadily growing, especially regarding their bioactive fiber prebiotic effects and role in improved weight control, wellness, and healthy aging.

And you don’t mess up with science and research! Bump up fiber intake to achieve heavenly, pleasant relief and those radiant looks!

Goodbye bloating, goodbye constipation!

Alina Quinn

I am Alina Quinn, a freelancer blogger who loves to write about health and Fitness and about latest fashion, currently I am working with FliptheLife, one of the fastest growing community created by fitness freaks, who love to write about health, fitness, beauty and the latest fashion news, etc...

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