Travel Show Destinations That Give Us Wanderlust

Been a while since your last vacation? We’re all in the same boat. While nearly every industry and business has felt the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the travel and hospitality industry has suffered particularly harsh circumstances.
The nature of the virus and its spread naturally put the brakes on air travel, especially to international destinations. Many of us have had to cancel travel plans in 2020, and are still waiting for things to settle down before we can try to revive them.
Travel Show Destinations to Hit After the Pandemic
But you already know that. And you already know it isn’t easy waiting out the pandemic. After all, who hasn’t experienced twinges of jealousy when watching travel shows on Cox Cable service? The more enthusiastic travelers among us can hardly bear to watch the travel shows that gave us inspiration for new travel plans. However, with working vaccinations and a global inoculation effort, things may finally be looking up.
Of course, you should still wait for your country’s travel safety department to issue the go-ahead. But planning ahead never did anybody any harm. In fact, you may have the perfect travel itinerary in hand when international and domestic tourism finally resumes. Read on to find out about some of the best travel destinations to try out once you are cleared to travel:
Before You Begin Traveling
Even if you are fully inoculated, you still have to remain cautious and visible. The virus, like any other RNA virus, can mutate and evolve. So, there may be a chance that you could pick up a strain your vaccine was never configured to combat. And if you pick it up on the plane on your way to or back from your travels, you could become an unnecessary super-spreader.
So, even if you get the official go-ahead from your government, don’t skimp on safety. Pack plenty of hand sanitizer, and wear a protective mask at all times. If at all possible, try wearing a protective suit when using public travel facilities like airports, bus stands, taxis, etc. Be mindful of how you’re feeling, and isolate yourself immediately if you feel you are exhibiting any of the recognized symptoms for COVID-19.
Moreover, keep a very close eye on the news, especially concerning any new virus spikes or travel safety hazards on any of the destinations you’re considering. You don’t want to be caught unawares! Finally, be sure to have proof of your vaccination on hand whenever you’re asked for it.
Myrtle Beach, SC
Myrtle Beach has a lot to offer for beachgoers, including traveling families escaping the big city life for a while. Myrtle Beach is a small town in South Carolina, but it has built up a big reputation among both local and international travelers. The town has a stunning beachfront that extends over 60 miles, so you can be sure there will always be a spot for your own spread.
And if you get bored of the beach, you can always try the two other things that make Myrtle Beach a popular summer destination: the delicious food and the idyllic golf courses. With more than a thousand restaurants with various mouthwatering cuisines, and a solid 100 golf courses to hit the perfect swing, you can be sure boredom won’t be bothering you.
Kauna’oa Bay, HI
Hawaii is synonymous with gorgeous beaches, volcanoes, and a colorful indigenous population. This image has remained intact for people all over the globe. The Big Island is every bit the same as the postcards you may have seen at your local gas station: beautiful, serene, and vibrant.
The clear blue waters, bordered by pristine white sands and the iconic palm trees hanging ripe with coconuts, is everything a beachgoing vacation is made of. Surf, sunbathe or put a jet ski through its paces along the crescent of Kauna’oa Beach. However, most resorts only restrict access to their bit of the beachfront to guests. So you may have to do your homework on where you will be staying.
Nantucket, MA
Ready to step through a time portal? If you’re traveling to Nantucket in Massachusetts, that’s exactly what you should expect. Where the world has progressed to noisy industrial districts, traffic jams, and wailing emergency services sirens all day long, Nantucket has held on to its identity.
The idyllic coastal town is home to a quiet community of whalers, some of whom have roots in the town dating back to its founding. Nantucket is nothing like anyone would expect, with a rustic appeal and cobblestone streets. The historic district always attracts huge crowds with its peculiar yet pleasing architecture. And if you’ve had enough of the sunbathing crowds, you can always rent a mountain bike and head out on the beachside trail.
Yosemite National Park, CA
Of course, beaches are only one type of travel destination. What about losing yourself in the vastness of nature all around you? If nature walks, camping, and trying to live off the earth is more your style, you should head out to Yosemite National Park when you can.
With the rugged beauty of the Sierra Mountain range creating the perfect backdrop, explore over 1,000 square miles of beautiful wilderness. Don’t bring along any hunting gear though. The park is home to a range of protected species and has a delicately balanced ecosystem. That’s not to mention park rangers who frequently patrol to ensure both visitors and resident animals are safe.
Sedona, AZ
The starkly beautiful Arizona desert has a history among people seeking answers through experience. It is widely considered the place to go when you want to “discover yourself”. Many college students have had their own “vision quests” using peyote and magic mushrooms surrounded by the vastness of nothing but nature.
This echoes an ancient and far more spiritual native American ritual, where the participants would seek a spirit guide among their hallucinations. The spirit guide would typically lead them to visions that could be interpreted as answers to whatever the participants seek.
But you don’t really need a hallucinogen to experience the beauty of Sedona, Arizona. The red rock formations and undulating sand dunes have been the site of many famous Western films, as well as some sci-fi films like Star Wars. In other words, anywhere you look seems like the perfect spot to take a photo. Make sure to keep your camera lenses safe from the dust, though. The Arizona desert has plenty of sand to keep you busy cleaning your equipment.