Causes and Cure

What is Diabetes? Types of Diabetes, Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

What is Diabetes?

Diabetes is a chronic disease of carbohydrate (Starch), fat, and protein digestion system. It is described by fasting rises of blood glucose levels and an incredibly increased risk of kidney disease, heart diseases, loss of nerve function and stroke.

Diabetes can happen when the pancreas does not discharge enough insulin or if the cells of the human body become resistant to insulin. Insulin is a hormone that advances the uptake of glucose by the cells of the body.

At the point when there is insufficient insulin or when there is a lack of sensitivity to insulin by the cells, the blood sugar can’t get into the cells. This can lead to serious complication.

There are three types of Diabetes

1. Type 1 Diabetes

  • The body does not create or produce insulin. Some individuals may refer to this sort asinsulin-dependent diabetes, adolescent diabetes, or early-onset diabetes. People mostly develop type 1 diabetes before their 40th year, normally in early teenage and adulthood.
  • People with type 1 diabetes will have to take insulin injections for the lifetime. They should also make sure of proper blood-sugar levels by carrying out regular blood tests and by following a special eating routine.
  • Type 1 diabetes is nowhere close as normal as type 2 diabetes. Roughly, 10% of all diabetes cases are type 1.

2. Type 2 Diabetes

    • The body doesn’t produce sufficient insulin for normal function, or the cells do not respond to insulin also called insulin resistance.
    • Almost, 85-90% of all cases and instances of diabetes worldwide are type 2.
    • Some individuals can control their type 2 diabetes symptoms by changing their lifestyle like losing weight, following a healthy diet, doing lots of yoga, exercises, and observing and monitoring their blood glucose levels. However, type 2 diabetes is typically a progressive sickness – it gradually deteriorates and get worse- and the patient will probably have to take insulin, usually in tablet form.
    • Overweight and obese individuals are on high risk of developing type 2 diabetes compared to the individual with a normal body weight.
    • Being overweight, physically dormant and consuming the wrong foods all add to our risk of creating and developing type 2 diabetes. Drinking only one can of (non-diet) soda every day can raise our danger of creating type 2 diabetes by 22%.
    • The risk of developing type 2 diabetes increases as we get more Specialists are not totally sure why, but rather say that as we age we turn out to be less physically active and porn to gain weight.

3. Gestational Diabetes

        • During their pregnancy, this type of diabetes affects females usually around the 24th week. A few women have very high and abnormal levels of glucose in their blood, and their bodies are not able to produce sufficient insulin resulting in progressively rising levels of glucose.
        • Specialist and scientist from the Harvard University and National Institutes of Health found that ladies whose eating regimes before pregnancy were high in fat and cholesterol was having a higher danger for gestational diabetes, compared to their partners whose diets were low in animal fats and cholesterol.
        • Most of the gestational diabetes patients can control their diabetes with yoga, exercises, foods, and diet. Between 10% to 20% of them will have to take some sorts of blood-sugar-controlling medicines. uncontrolled or undiagnosed gestational diabetes can raise the danger of problems and complications during childbirth. The child may be bigger than he/she should be.

Hope you got the answer to what is diabetes? and it’s type.

How to Cure and Prevent Diabetes

Diabetes is really a very dangerous disease. If diabetes is not controlled, it can lead to renal failure, loss of vision, amputation of limbs and cardiovascular diseases. Diabetes is such a disease that makes sugar to build up in our blood instead of being utilized by the cells as a part of our bodies.

In fact, our body utilizes a hormone (Insulin) to control the level of being utilized by the cells in our bodies. When our body does not create an adequate amount of insulin or when insulin doesn’t function or work properly, diabetes happens.

Diabetes can be prevented by laying stress on the following points:

1. Regular Exercise


Exercise plays a very significant role not only in preventing the type II diabetes but managing it also. Regular exercise can reduce the sugar level in blood.

It also improves the production of insulin and strengthens the heart. Physical exercise for at least 60 minutes or more on six days a week is the best.

But even if we exercise for a little bit time is much better than none at all. Walking is also a simple and effective exercise that many people can enjoy. At least, take the stairs instead of elevators.

2. Maintain Healthy Weight

Maintain Healthy Weight

For maintaining a healthy weight, you should always try to make a balance between your intake of calories and expenditure of calories. So don’t try to take more calories than your body burns each day.

For maintaining your healthy weight your BMI should be between 18.5 To 24.9. If it is going up, start taking low calories or start doing aerobic exercise or burning extra calories so that BMI may remain at the proper level.

As a matter of fact, regular exercise definitely reduces the chances of occurring diabetes.

3. Reduce the intake of saturated Fat

Low Fat Foods

Reduce the intake of saturated fat if you want to prevent diabetes Type II. Indeed, intake of saturated fat in more amounts definitely leads to overweight or obesity which ultimately enhances the chances of occurring diabetes.

4. Avoid Rich Carbohydrate Food

Rich Carbohydrate Food

If you want to prevent Type II diabetes, avoid rich carbohydrate food. However, it does not mean that you should not take carbohydrates.

It is necessary to increase the level of energy. So, just reduce its amount in the diet for preventing diabetes.

5. Eat healthy Food

Make Progressive Changes In Eating Habits

If you want to prevent diabetes, include plenty of vegetables, fruits and fiber-rich whole grains in your diet. When you take fruits and vegetables, try to take deeply colored vegetables and fruits such as spinach, berries, carrots, and peaches.

For taking whole grains, oatmeal, barley, brown rice, whole wheat, and corn are better to include in your diet.

6. Eat Small Portion of Meals

Portion of Meals

For preventing the high level of blood sugar, eat at least 5 to 6 small portions of meals a day rather than one big meal. Take small meals and don’t do over-eating.

Alina Quinn

I am Alina Quinn, a freelancer blogger who loves to write about health and Fitness and about latest fashion, currently I am working with FliptheLife, one of the fastest growing community created by fitness freaks, who love to write about health, fitness, beauty and the latest fashion news, etc...

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