How to Love Yourself Truly and Unconditionally- Best Advice is Here!

To be honest with you is love yourself. I don’t know the definition of love. But I know what is love? I think love has no shape, no color. For me, love is a feeling. Love has no edges.
Love is that which you receive from your mother, your soulmate, your children. Yes, imagine the love when your mother kisses you on your forehead. Feel the feeling.
Imagine the moment when for the first time you hold your baby in your arms. Feel the love when you walk with your soulmate by holding his/ her hands and resting your head on his shoulder.
Can you?
See you have so much of moments to cherish. I don’t know why people don’t love themselves. Start loving your soul first! Start loving yourself. If you are happy then only you can make others happy. When you love yourself, you can love others.
Still confused? Come with me, I will tell you about how to love yourself truly.
Know the ways to love yourself; Now make it happen
1. Wake up with a Love Feeling!
This is something that gonna give you a kick start morning. The second you wake up, bring a smile on your face. Say thanks to God for giving another day to live.
Think about the most joyous moment of your life. The moment you love most, revise that chapter of your life in your mind, think about the person you love the most. Feel this from the core of your heart. Recall your past happy days and happy moments.
Make yourself, your mind satisfied with the things you have. Told yourself; yes, I have this in my life. You have to told this to yourself, not me!
Coming to the point. You will feel that love has started circulating from your arteries and veins.
Try this for at least once, You gonna get habitual.
2. Be Passionate!
I know you are not going to dwell your interest in this. You don’t want to get busy. But you know if you want to eradicate negative things from your life. You have to dedicate time to your work.
Be passionate in life. Develop the passion for the work that you do. When you are passionate. You work with the excellence. You get appreciation and psychology say when someone appreciates your work, you learn to love yourself.
It is because your confidence level goes up. You feel energetic and always charged. You get success also and hence you start loving your work, you start loving yourself.
Try this! You will search for me to say thank You.
3. Be a Freaky
Ohh! Do not intermix the things please! Don’t be the freak with the people. But freak with yourself. Enjoy your own company. Enjoy yourself. Whenever you feel down. Dress up yourself fantastically and freak out.
Have fun, try new things that you have not tried before. Become mad, behave like kids. Do what gives you joy and fun. When you do this, you don’t even need a company. You feel full from inside.
This gonna make your life wonderful. Because when you do this you don’t have time to think about the bullshits! And you develop love in yourself. You start loving yourself. This is how you love yourself.
I tried this, now is your turn!
4. Just jot it down
Yeah! This sounds something silly for you. Right? Do you think this is a tiring process? No, not at all. You have to jot down good things about you. Make notes in your diary.
Write down about what good habits or things you have. Write about yourself. It is as same like an essay on myself that you used to write in your school times. You will feel the difference, you gonna get the tools to love yourself.
Let me give you my own example; I am a superb cook. I love this habit of mine and I love myself for this. So whenever I cook, I enjoy and I feel cool from inside.
Are you ready for?
Ok! I will invite you to try a meal to be cooked by my hands, but wait! How can I contact you? Plan dropped!
Any how make a list of negative people to whom you don’t like. Stay away from them.
When you gonna opt this, you will see the difference in our thinking.
5. Acceptance and Sharing
This one is worth of reading. Opt acceptance and sharing the word in your life. Accept what is not actually good for you. Agree that you have bad habits also. Try to eliminate that. But if you can’t try for this. At least try for accept that. Acceptance is the best weapon if you want to live happily.
The next tool is sharing. Everyone should learn to share. Whether you share your food, your articles, and your thoughts. You know? When you share your feelings, your thoughts with someone, you feel light from inside. But before sharing anything, choose the right person.
I mean he should be trustworthy. So, when you share with someone you feel good and you love yourself. You feel blessed and happy. Give a trial for this.
6. Your lifestyle matters
Your lifestyle matters a lot. If you want to be happy in life. First of all wake up early in the morning, do meditation, go for a walk. Feel the nature.
You will feel very good inside from inside. When you hear the chirping of birds, cool atmosphere, the lush green environment, It gives you peace from inside. So when you gonna opt a healthy lifestyle. You gonna love yourself. Because you feel happy and cherish from inside.
Eat healthy food. Eat food that brings the smile on your face. The food you enjoy is best for you.
Make yourself always up to date. Wear good clothes. Wear clothes that give you happiness. Choose good colors for you. The colors you love most. This habit of yours gonna make you happy and you will love yourself.
Opt this! You will be very happy.
7. Promise Yourself
Promise yourself every day. But when you make promise be sure that you are going to follow them. Promise yourself; That you will vanish bad habits from your life.
Promise yourself that you are not going to leave good habits, for example, you are going to opt a healthy lifestyle, you gonna do meditation every day. You gonna eradicate bad moments, bad feelings, and bad people from your life.
This will give you inner peace. You will be honest with yourself and you will start loving yourself. You will develop a habit of loving yourself.
So promises made it easy. Try to grab this in your mind.
8. Deal with the old wounds
If you want to love yourself, You have to aid the old wounds. Choose a day on which you gonna aid your old wound memory. Sum up in yourself about the result you have got. You are not going to get more hurt by revising that memory. This is the last day of your revision.
After this, you have to start a new chapter. It is you who only decide; Whether you want to close the book or you want to start with a new chapter.
So, First of all, close the book of wounds and start a new chapter of the new book called ” happy Life”.
You will love yourself and your life. Think about it this way and just get it done.
9. Form new relationships
I have also tried this one. Really! It worked like anything. Forming new relationships gives you new hope, new moments to cherish and fun. Make new friends, good friends. Choose your new friends from whom you learn every day something new.
It is not obvious that they should be of same nature. Nothing is like that. Choose the one from whom you learn.
You as a human will develop your mental health. You will love your new relationships. That is why I am saying, make new friends, make new relationships. You will wake up a new enthusiasm.
You will start loving your life and yourself too. Are you ready to?
10. Hear It Loud
When you are sad, you are down, hear it loud. I mean the music when you are sad. Hear the loud music of your choice. Enjoy it, feel it to the depth. Your day will start with a power kick. Your mind will be relaxed. You will be happy for the whole day.
I also try this method whenever I feel sad. It gives me a power booster. This therapy is called music therapy.
Try this music therapy. Now make it happen!
11. Making contact with inner self
It simply means that make contact with your inner self. Spare time for yourself. Spare time for your relaxation. Watch movies or series which you like. Take care of your body.
Go to relaxation centers. Appreciate yourself. Do self-talk.
12. Explore and Expand your interest
You should learn to expand and explore your interest. Explore what you like, make your own choices, make your own rules, make your life more exciting by exploring new things. This is a hit and trial method.
Indulge yourself into new activities. Polish your skills more. You will be happy because you get a reason to live your life more happily. So explore and expand yourself more.
Try this you will definitely love this.
In the nutshell
Yes, here comes the bottom line. You get this life for only once. You live for only once. No one knows, what will happen in coming days.
What will be the situation in future? No one knows actually. That’s why you should learn about how to love yourself.
But this is your present, live your life to the fullest. Live your today, forget about the past. Forget about future. Just love your present.
Your life is worth for you. Say thanks to God for giving every new day.
Love yourself ! Love your life.