Health & Fitness

Invisalign vs. Braces: Which Is Better For Me?

The first official braces came on the scene in 1728 when Pierre Fauchard made the first official braces that were the precursor to traditional braces we use today. 

Invisalign treatment followed almost 270 years later. Invisalign was created and first made available to the public after one of the creators noticed that his clear plastic retainer moved his teeth back after he failed to wear it for a few days.  

Do you have some overcrowding or a “bad bite”? Maybe you have spaces or crooked teeth and want to beautify your smile? 

If you’re searching for an “orthodontist near me” or braces sydney and thinking about getting braces or Invisalign, keep reading our comparison of Invisalign vs. braces to help you come to a decision. 

Do I Need Orthodontic Treatment? 

If you are unhappy with your smile because your teeth are crowded, crooked, or protruding or you have a bite that off or spaces between your teeth, orthodontic treatment can help align your teeth and jaw. 

When your teeth are “off” you may experience a lack of confidence, pain or tooth loss, and tooth decay or gum disease due to difficulty keeping them clean. 

Benefits of Traditional Braces 

Traditional braces are the treatment of choice for patients with mild to complex orthodontic issues but the best option for complex or severe case. It’s also a better choice for those who won’t reliably wear the aligners, think children and teenagers. 


Traditional braces are convenient because you don’t have to take them in and out. There is no risk of misplacement because they are attached to the teeth. 


You can clean and floss your teeth with traditional braces just as you would without braces. It’s important to be careful to remove food that is stuck in the braces. 

Treatment Time 

You’ll go to regular orthodontic appointments once a month until the treatment is done and wear a retainer at night to keep your teeth from moving. 

Benefits of Invisalign 

Invisalign are a good choice for people with mild to moderate orthodontic problems but they take some effort to work as they should. 


You can take the trays out to eat sticky foods or foods you can’t eat with traditional braces. They’re also discreet and difficult to notice. They can be removed while playing contact sports. 

Care and Cleaning

It’s easy to brush and floss your teeth by simply taking out the trays. 


You visit the orthodontist every 4 to 6 weeks with Invisalign. You wear the trays every night once the treatment period is complete. 

Click to learn more about the benefits of getting Invisalign. Get the smile you desire. 

Invisalign vs. Braces: Which is the Best Choice for You? 

Now that you’ve learned each side of the Invisalign vs. braces debate, which one is the better choice for you and your unique situation? Choose the treatment that will best help you reach your orthodontic goals.

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Alina Quinn

I am Alina Quinn, a freelancer blogger who loves to write about health and Fitness and about latest fashion, currently I am working with FliptheLife, one of the fastest growing community created by fitness freaks, who love to write about health, fitness, beauty and the latest fashion news, etc...

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