Editor’s Pick

How to Prove Yourself Better At the League of Legends Game?

League of Legends is one of the world’s most popular team-based multiplayer online battle arena games. Provided you’ve got a team and some friends playing with you, it’s easy to pick up and learn the game.

However, if you truly want to excel at League of Legends, remember a few key things that will help propel your skills and place you head-to-head with other players who enjoy their game as much as you do.

Master the Fundamentals

Understanding the Game Mechanics

To prove your worth in LoL and get in league rank-bosting, it’s crucial to have a solid grasp of the game’s mechanics. Please familiarize yourself with the champions, their abilities, and various roles on the Summoner’s Rift.

Learn about objectives, such as towers, dragons, and Baron Nashor, and their importance in securing victories.

Practice Last-Hitting

Last hitting is an essential skill that helps you gain gold and experience. Regularly practice your ability to land the final blow on minions to maximize your farming efficiency, ensuring you stay ahead of your opponents.

Map Awareness and Vision Control

Keeping an eye on the minimap and maintaining proper vision control can greatly enhance your gameplay. Develop the habit of checking the minimap frequently, helping your team avoid scams, and making informed decisions.

Develop Your Champion Pool

Find Your Role

Identify your preferred role and focus on mastering it with the help of BoostRoyal. Whether you excel as a top layer, jungle, mid-laner, ADC, or support, specializing in a specific role allows you to develop a deep understanding of the champions and strategies associated with it.

Diversify Your Champion Pool

While specializing in a role is essential, having a diverse champion pool within that role is equally important. Learn to play multiple champions proficiently, ensuring you can adapt to different team compositions and counter-pick when necessary.

Communication and Teamwork

Effective Communication

Proving yourself better at LoL involves more than individual skills. Develop effective communication skills, using pings, chat, and voice comms to coordinate with your teammates. Clear and concise communication is vital for making strategic plays and securing objectives.

Collaborative Teamwork

LoL is a team-based game, and working well with teammates is crucial. Showcase your ability to collaborate by taking on a leadership role, making smart calls, and prioritizing team objectives over personal glory.

Be a positive influence on your team, encouraging and supporting your fellow players.


Proving yourself as a better player in League of Legends requires a combination of skill, knowledge, communication, mindset, and dedication. Master the basics, deepen your game knowledge, communicate effectively, embrace a growth mindset, and develop mental resilience.

With consistent effort and a focus on self-improvement, you can stand out in the League and showcase your abilities to the community. Remember, the journey to mastery is ongoing, and every game is an opportunity to learn and grow.

Good luck on your quest to become a top-tier LoL player! For more articles check out our website FliptheLife now!

Alina Quinn

I am Alina Quinn, a freelancer blogger who loves to write about health and Fitness and about latest fashion, currently I am working with FliptheLife, one of the fastest growing community created by fitness freaks, who love to write about health, fitness, beauty and the latest fashion news, etc...

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