Health & Fitness

It’s Your Year! Here’s an 8 Tip, Simple Guide to Getting Healthy

42% of the United States is obese. And that’s just one of many ways the population has and continues to struggle with health.

With healthcare costs rising and average life spans stagnating, it’s up to you to decide to start being healthier so you can live your best life.

That commitment should begin today!

How can one go about getting healthy in the year 2021 and beyond? While there are a virtually unlimited number of answers to that question, in this post, our team aims to fill you in on a few places you can start that can make a huge impact on your year and your life.

1. Catch up on Sleep

Sleep is a foundational means of improving your health. Whether it’s healing from injury, improving brain function, or simply making you feel your best, all of that can be achieved by turning off the lights a little bit earlier.

If you’ve been unimpressed with the amount of sleep you’ve been getting as of late, commit to putting your phone down and getting to bed earlier.

Once you get into a good routine when it comes to shut-eye, you’re going to be blown away by how much your life improves.

2. Start Caring About What You Put in Your Body

You are what you eat is an adage that has held up over the years. If you eat natural, healthy foods, you’re going to feel crisp and energized. If you punish your body with processed, fatty foods that have little to no nutritional value, well… You can surmise what that might do.

Bottom line, start caring about what you put in your body from food to other things you might have a poor relationship with. Speaking of “other things”, if you’re abusing alcohol or drugs, make this the year you find a rehab center and get clean.

Sobriety is a beautiful thing that enables you to achieve so much more in life.

3. Get Away From Technology

Technology has consumed most of our lives. Whether it’s streaming media or flipping through Instagram feeds.

Spending your life staring at a screen to pass time is much less healthy than putting your phone down and experiencing life. So then, make it a point in 2021 to ween yourself off of big tech.

It’ll be hard but believe us when we say that you can connect with people in more ways than the internet and those ways are incredibly rewarding.

4. Stop Looking for Validation

Most of us crave validation. When we speak publicly, we expect applause. When we talk with friends, we expect them to nod their heads in agreement.

Get out of the trap.

Expect that validation will either come or it won’t. If it doesn’t, know that doesn’t cheapen your perspective.

Keep speaking your mind and be as honest as possible with those around you. If you do that without needing buy-in, you’ll feel a massive weight come off your shoulders.

5. Meet New People

You can never have too many friends in your life. And we’re not talking digital friends that you exchange the occasional “like” with. We’re talking about actual people that you make time to sit down with and get to know on a personal level.

We’ve seen people undertake challenges where they set out to meet 50+ new contacts per year. Set a similar goal for yourself and watch as your friend, dating, and professional options explode.

6. Own Your Job (or Find a New One)

We spend tons of time working throughout our lives. Unfortunately, most people that invest that time in work do so begrudgingly because they despise their jobs.

Don’t despise your job, own it.

Be more vocal. Pitch your team’s new ideas. Volunteer to take on stretch assignments.

Life is too short to be investing your energy in a profession that doesn’t appreciate your ingenuity and talent.

7. Set Goals

It’s hard to feel happy and healthy on the road you’re walking if you have no concept of where you’re going. To remedy that issue, we recommend setting goals at the top of the year and checking in on them once per month.

By having goals and seeing where you’re stacking every month, you can celebrate your progress or make adjustments to realign yourself with what you want.

That’ll, hopefully, reduce the feeling so many of us have of stumbling through life without direction.

8. Exercise

Here’s an obvious getting healthy tip that can make your year. Get out and get active!

Exercise is a great way to lose weight, build confidence, and tackle every day feeling awesome. You don’t have to be a member at a gym to exercise either!

Invest in some equipment for your garage. Commit to running every day. Follow a YouTube fitness personality.

Whatever you can do to maximize your fitness will, in turn, maximize your overall health.

Getting Healthy Is All About Staying Committed

Believe it or not, the biggest piece of the getting healthy puzzle isn’t getting out there and working hard. It’s committing to taking even small steps each day to bring about a better you.

If you continue to take in tips on how to get a healthy heart or how to get healthy lungs and institute minor routines to achieve those ends, over the course of the year, you’ll hardly recognize yourself.

Our team celebrates you living your best life and welcomes you to check back with us for additional insight on other lifestyle questions.

Alina Quinn

I am Alina Quinn, a freelancer blogger who loves to write about health and Fitness and about latest fashion, currently I am working with FliptheLife, one of the fastest growing community created by fitness freaks, who love to write about health, fitness, beauty and the latest fashion news, etc...

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