Cause & Cure

6 Teeth Whitening Tips That You Need to Know

Did you know that 85% of Americans believe that oral health is vital to their overall health? This doesn’t just include things like getting cavities filled and having root canal procedures.

An essential part of our mental health is feeling good about ourselves. And a great way to do that is to get the bright smile you’ve always wanted! Luckily, this can be done through teeth whitening methods.

In this article, we’ll discuss 6 teeth whitening tips that you should know.

1. Use Whitening Toothpaste

You should already be brushing your teeth regularly to prevent stains from building up quickly. But another way to keep yellow teeth at bay is to use whitening toothpaste!

These are made with ingredients like activated charcoal and baking soda to give your teeth a more sparkling look.

2. Brush With Baking Soda

Another thing you can try is brushing your teeth with baking soda. You probably already know of baking soda’s wonderful cleaning properties. So why not reap those benefits for your teeth?

Make sure to keep up with brushing with baking soda. You’ll see results within a few weeks.

3. Stay Away From Certain Foods and Drinks

In general, you’ll want to stay away from foods and drinks that have tannins, as these are a big culprit in staining teeth. Some offenders include tea and wine.

Acidic foods and drinks will also cause yellowing. If you don’t want to eliminate these from your diet, you should always brush your teeth after consuming them. But make sure to wait at least 30 minutes or else you’ll wear down your enamel.

4. Eat Foods That Naturally Whiten Your Teeth

On the other hand, there are actually some foods that can help whiten your teeth naturally! So make sure you add these to your diet to get some dazzling chompers.

Generally, you’ll want to stick with crunchy fruits and vegetables, such as apples and celery. These can also help strengthen your tooth enamel!

5. Quit Smoking

Most likely, you already know of the harmful effects that smoking has on your health. But this habit can also stain your teeth!

If you’ve been thinking of quitting smoking anyway, it’s time to bite the bullet. This is one of the best tips to whiten teeth.

6. See a Dentist

If you want to get your teeth whitened, forget about at-home whitening kits. Not only are these not very strong, but there’s potential for you to damage your teeth and gums.

A dentist can give you an exceptional smile with very little risk. Plus, they have access to stronger products so you can get perfectly white teeth!

Make Sure to Follow These Teeth Whitening Tips

By following our teeth whitening tips, you’ll be able to get some pearly whites without damaging your teeth. From avoiding certain foods to seeing a dentist, these ways to whiten teeth will have you smiling brightly in no time!

For more advice on how to get better teeth, keep reading our blog page now.

Alina Quinn

I am Alina Quinn, a freelancer blogger who loves to write about health and Fitness and about latest fashion, currently I am working with FliptheLife, one of the fastest growing community created by fitness freaks, who love to write about health, fitness, beauty and the latest fashion news, etc...

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