Editor’s Pick

3 Evangelism Tips for Your Church

Evangelism is a complex endeavor. It can mean anything from witnessing to strangers to church outreach campaigns. And it will look different for every congregation.

If your church is looking to reassess and restart the way it does evangelism, the information below will help point you in the right direction.

What Is Evangelism?

The Greek word for evangelism, “euangelion,” means “to bring a good message” (the word “angel” comes from the same root). It is spreading the good news of the gospel.

How your church does evangelism will depend on your congregation and your community. But, no matter who you are or where you live, there are some basic tenets you can use to become more successful at evangelizing. Here are three to consider.

1. Hospitality

The first thing that pops in your mind when you hear someone say “evangelize” maybe something like going out in the world and winning people over. But this overlooks a very central component of a church community, which is being open to those who already want to come in.

The theologian Henri Nouwen said the purpose of hospitality “is not to change people but to offer them space where change can take place.” Hospitality opens the doors (both literally and figuratively)  to see who is waiting.

Beyond your parishioners having a hospitable spirit, make sure that messaging about your congregation articulates this openness to “welcoming the stranger.” You want someone who stumbles on your website or Facebook page to immediately identify hospitality in your church.

2. Forming Relationships

The overwhelming majority of people gravitate towards a particular church because someone they know attends. The church is about community, and community means having relationships. Finding new ways to foster environments that help build relationships is key to evangelism.

What that looks like in the world of COVID has changed quite a bit, but it has afforded new opportunities as well. If your parish has moved to virtual services, then you have likely reached a wider audience.

This may be a program you keep going even as we come out of the pandemic. The opportunity to engage people who would not be as willing to walk through your doors (but will tune into a webcast service) is a valuable tool.

There are many examples of churches doing this well. Take a look at Sound of Heaven Church and how they have used technology to advance their message: ​​https://www.soh.church/.

3. Community Building

Speaking of relationships, as Christians, we should always be aware and engaged in what is going on around us. Evangelism can be something as simple as raising funds for a local school or doing cleanup at a neglected park. In return, this presents an opportunity to grow your church.

To be clear: this is not a quid pro quo. We should help others not because of “church marketing” but because they need help.

But sharing the love of Jesus may very well attract people (and not just those whom you’re helping), those who want to take part in the good work that you are doing. That is a powerful witness and a great way to make your church both impactful and recognizable in your community.

Evangelism Is Ever-Evolving

Now that you have some ideas about doing evangelism, you can determine what is the best course of action for your congregation. Remember to always think outside the box–what works today may not be as effective tomorrow. But you will not go wrong with keeping people front and center of your evangelism goals.

We hope you found these tips helpful. If so, be sure to check out some of our other posts on lifestyle, relationships, health, and many other topics.

Alina Quinn

I am Alina Quinn, a freelancer blogger who loves to write about health and Fitness and about latest fashion, currently I am working with FliptheLife, one of the fastest growing community created by fitness freaks, who love to write about health, fitness, beauty and the latest fashion news, etc...

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