Editor’s Pick

The Difference Between Gas Logs and Gas Inserts

It’s a must for homes to have a place where they can warm themselves during winter seasons. We don’t mean radiators, although they can be helpful in such instances, we are referring to a more natural option, a fireplace. If you own one of these you would know the homely feel it provides to many families around Christmas time, and during the winter holidays.

However, it can sometimes be a nuisance to try using a conventional one because of the smoke and also the smell of burning wood. This may also be the cause of fire for some that’s why it’s not easy to have this kind of fireplace.

If you are looking for an easier and cleaner way to get a fire going, you can invest in many things however only a few of these will require fuel or a chimney and can burn on their own without any smoke or exhaustive smells. 

The two options we discuss below, such as the Gas logs and the Gas inserts are good to consider if you’re looking for something that works and looks good in your home, especially when entertaining guests.

Gas Logs

If you have a wood-burning fireplace, but looking for another way to burn wood easily, the gas logs are one of the best options to go for. They are typically made out of ceramic and shaped like real wooden logs, and you can place them inside your fireplace or gas burner.

There are two kinds, namely the vented and non-vented ones or vent-free ones. These draw in natural gas such as propane, into a gas-burning unit and the flames usually reach upwards towards the chimney. These artificial fibers or ceramic pieces are specifically designed to efficiently burn gas, and this article tells you how they work.

In some states, the ventless ones have been banned, but you can still make full use of the vented options. These, however, need to be installed by an expert in the field, because it has to do with installing pipes. The gas is clean and does not produce fumes. In comparison, it is similar to a gas stove in the kitchen.

They look great and provide that much-needed warmth in the living room or lounge of a house. Oxygen, which is drawn in from the room itself, goes in through the bottom of the fireplace and mixes with the propane to give you a bright yellow and purple flame. The vent is placed on the top of the device where the air goes back out and in again in a circular motion.

You don’t need to carry heavy logs of firewood from outside, there is also no hassles involved in keeping the fire going and the wood-burning by adding more and more each time, and because it does not produce any ash, cleaning things up is a breeze. This can be turned on and off anytime you want it to and is safe enough to be left on when you go outside the house.

There is no doubt that these are a cheaper option to have around the house as well. In comparison, the gas insert is slightly costlier, so depending on your budget requirements, and if you want to do your bit for the environment through the minimal CO2 emissions produced by this option, you can go for this or for the gas inserts which we look at below.

Gas Inserts

Did you know, that the electric fireplace heating devices produce far more heat and are more expensive than burning wood or gas? https://home.howstuffworks.com/home improvement/construction/materials/fireplace-inserts.htm A gas insert is also another great option if you are looking to replace the traditional burning of wood to keep things warm in your home. These are fitted into the wall and operate using gas as well. The inserts look like big blocks of charcoal and sit inside a structure that looks like an open oven.

They heat the gas and produce a smokeless flame. Usually, the structure is made of metal to keep things warmer for longer. There is a firebox placed inside the inserts which heat up and produce a flame. For those who are looking for an alternative to a typical fireplace, these are great and more efficient, as well as much easier to manage, as they retain heat as well.

The natural gas produces radiant air and heat and a gas line needs to be inserted into the burners. Similar to the gas fire pit logs, these too produce no smoke, or ash, and would work in an existing chimney as well.

These are slightly more expensive than others but the investment will be worth your while, as they operate using far less gas than other options. So what you will be paying for most is the build. 

They are extremely efficient and these also run on tubes that circulate air and gas inside and outside to produce a flame and heat. These are both great options and a big advantage to saving lots of electricity bills in the home throughout the winter seasons.

Alina Quinn

I am Alina Quinn, a freelancer blogger who loves to write about health and Fitness and about latest fashion, currently I am working with FliptheLife, one of the fastest growing community created by fitness freaks, who love to write about health, fitness, beauty and the latest fashion news, etc...

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