Skin Care

What Are the Different Types of Acne That Exist Today?

Did you know there are at least 6 types of acne?

Are you suffering from bad acne? If you are struggling with acne, you’ll want to know what kind of breakout you are dealing with. Often, people with bad acne do not just have one type of acne.

Using the wrong treatment for the type of acne you have can be counterproductive. Worse yet, you could actually damage your skin.

Knowing the kind of acne you are dealing with will help you find the most effective acne treatment.

All acne can be treated. Read on to learn about the different types of acne that exist.

Two Broad Types of Acne

The two most common categories of acne are inflammatory and non-inflammatory. Within these categories are sub-classifications.

Non-Inflammatory Acne

Two frequently seen types of noninflammatory acne are blackheads and whiteheads.

Blackheads and whiteheads occur when pores become clogged with dead skin cells, bacteria, and oil.

Whiteheads are closed bumps that are either white, like their name, or flesh-colored. They are also referred to as closed comedones.

Blackheads occur when the pores stay open. They appear black in color.

If you have this type of acne, dermatologists recommend using a retinoid to unclog your pores.

Inflammatory Acne

We associate inflammatory acne with the term “acne outbreak”.

This type of acne occurs when bacteria cause an inflammatory reaction in the skin. This type of acne is frustrating because the nodules can hurt, and appear red and inflamed. As this article is meant to break down the types of acne, you can find out how to treat inflammatory acne in this article.

Inflammatory acne includes papules, nodules, and cysts. We will go over each type in depth.

Inflammatory Acne


These are small, pink spots that feel hard. They occur when bacteria break down the walls surrounding your pores. If you have many at once, your skin may feel like sandpaper.

These happen when bacteria burrow deep into the skin.


These protrude from the skin and also occur when the walls around your pores break down. They appear red in color, are filled with pus, and often have yellow or whiteheads on top.

They are often found in clusters on the face, chest, or back.

Do not pop these. This will cause the bacteria to spread.


Acne nodules are when bacteria burrow even deeper into the skin. The inflammation is worsened. They often cause permanent acne scars when they heal.

They are larger than papules and pustules.

They are often so deep into the skin that you will need prescription medication to clear them up.

They often feel painful to the touch and can be shiny and red from the severe inflammation.


In terms of bad acne, this is the most severe type.

These are soft, fluid-filled bumps. They can be extremely painful. They are also the hardest to treat. The bacteria is burrowed so deep in the skin that even if the cyst goes away, it is only temporary.

They are painful to the touch and often lead to acne scars. They may contain a mixture of blood and pus.

Treating Acne

Please refer to this article to see how to treat complex acne pathologies. If your acne is severe or chronic, your best bet is to see a dermatologist and work with them to find a long-term solution.

Alina Quinn

I am Alina Quinn, a freelancer blogger who loves to write about health and Fitness and about latest fashion, currently I am working with FliptheLife, one of the fastest growing community created by fitness freaks, who love to write about health, fitness, beauty and the latest fashion news, etc...

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